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tochirebecca - Love Letter (CCM)

This Afroswing Gospel track serves as a heartfelt expression of love and devotion to God. Through its lyrics, the song reflects on the unwavering love of God and the desire to choose Christ wholeheartedly. tochirebecca, a talented 20-year-old singer-songwriter from South London, poured her heart into this debut single. As a pastor's child, she has always been connected to the church, but it is in recent years that she has embarked on a personal journey to know and love God for herself. 'Love Letter' encapsulates her desire to love God unequivocally and step into the person He intended her to be. The song was birthed during a season of uncertainty for tochirebecca. Initially started in July, she later questioned her writing abilities and abandoned the song. However, through a personal devotional time with God, she felt inspired to continue working on it. God breathed new life into the lyrics, giving her confidence in her gift and a renewed sense of hope. In 'Love Letter,

Red Letter Society - Image (Our Praise) (CCM)

"Image," by Rede Letter Society carries a profound message that celebrates the true meaning of Christmas and the revelation of God's character through Jesus. I encourage you to take a moment and listen to this beautiful song.  "Image" was originally intended to be a non-typical Christmas song, devoid of the traditional elements associated with the holiday season. Instead, it focuses on the significance of Jesus as the image of the invisible God. When we look at Jesus, we catch a glimpse of God's character and His desires for us. This realization brings reassurance and dispels any notion of God being distant or unknowable. The lyrics beautifully depict the revelation of God through Jesus, highlighting His majesty and reign. Red Letter Society poetically expresses the profound truth that Jesus, the Savior planned before time, is the Messiah present before our very eyes. It's a reminder of the eternal nature of God, who reveals Himself to us so that we may

Rowan Newcomb & Carolyn Cates - Secret Keeper (CCM)

Get ready to be moved by the deeply personal CCM song 'Secret Keeper' by Rowan Newcomb. This heartfelt composition, co-written with Carolyn Cates, delves into the pain of enduring gossip and rejection in a relationship. However, the song's focus is on reconciliation, forgiveness, and finding solace in God as the ultimate confidant. 'Secret Keeper' beautifully captures the emotions of betrayal and the aftermath of having one's privacy exposed. Rowan Newcomb's honest lyrics paint a vivid picture of feeling judged and humiliated, with whispers and snickers following every step. Yet, amidst the hurtful words and the high school drama, Rowan finds strength in turning to God, knowing that their worth lies in Him. The pre-chorus reminds us that gossip and rumors hold no truth, for our value is rooted in God. It is through this realization that the chorus emerges, with Rowan opening up to God, the true Secret Keeper. In His presence, secrets are safe, wounds are hea

Sounds of Imani - Come Praise the Lord Remix (CCM)

Experience the vibrant energy and joyous celebration of Sounds of Imani's energetic remix of 'Come Praise the Lord.' This uplifting anthem will make you want to dance and rejoice. Take a moment to listen and let the infectious rhythm fill your soul. The background behind 'Come Praise the Lord' adds depth to the song. Inspired by the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sounds of Imani aimed to create a musical escape that brings joy to listeners. Lead singer Gerald Ervin's personal battle with COVID-19 further influenced the song's creation, fueling the desire to share hope and encouragement. The lyrics express gratitude for God's love and the freedom it brings. The chorus calls us to praise the Lord and dance to the infectious beat. It's an invitation to celebrate God's goodness and express joy through movement. With lively rhythms and a catchy melody, 'Come Praise the Lord' will have you clapping your hands and joining the celebration.

Rorie - Dear Life (CCM)

I encourage you to experience the beauty and depth of the CCM song 'Dear Life' by Rorie. This touching composition draws inspiration from the words of Lilias Trotter, a painter and missionary who had a profound understanding of faith and surrender. Rorie's song captures the essence of trust and surrender in its heartfelt lyrics. The analogy of birds living on a roof, as shared by Lilias Trotter, serves as a powerful metaphor for our own faith journeys. We often find ourselves clinging to familiar places, fearful of stepping into the unknown. Yet, as the song beautifully portrays, it is in the empty void beneath our wings that we can truly take flight. The story of Lilias Trotter, her commitment to sharing the Gospel through her art, and her courage to follow her calling despite obstacles and limitations, serve as an inspiration. Her experiences echo the biblical imagery of an eagle teaching its young to fly, stirring the nest to create discomfort, and then catching them as